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3 Ways to Decompress from an Anxious or Stressful Day

Writer's picture: Janna RossJanna Ross

Tell me if this is relatable:

You woke up just feeling a little off and you haven't been able to shake it. You find yourself running a little behind trying to get ready for work which gets you feeling scattered and even a little shaky- though when you pause to check just how much your hands are shaking you find they're actually pretty still. "Ahh...the inner shaky strikes again" you think. At work you have a hard time focusing, your chest keeps feeling tight, breathing feels hard, and you force a smile in your meetings through the day. Every now and then it simmers down, but then some small thing happens that's not even a big deal and you find your chest tightening again. You don't even know why you feel off in the first place, but you continue to push through. The project you've been working on has a hiccup that sets it back another week which is really frustrating, but not the end of the world. You're just so ready to be done with it. When you get home you're instantly bombarded with things that need your attention. You're exhausted from fighting anxiety and stress all day and you just need some time to recoup.

Ever have a day like that? You just feel like the whole day you're walking a line between being okay and absolutely losing your shiz? Those days SUCK and sometimes there's not really anything you can do to reduce the stress itself. This is especially true if you work a job that's generally highly stressful such as nursing, law enforcement, military, and, heck, even being a stay at home mom can wear you down. When you can't really do anything about the stress itself then it becomes even more important for you to focus on recovery.

Your ability to handle stress and build resilience is dictated by how well you recover.


So, whether it's been one of those days or it's just kind of your existence, here are 3 things I do to help myself decompress after an anxious or stressful day that could help you, too:

I get some peace and quiet and time to myself- This may seem impossible if you have kids or a busy home life, but there are still ways you can do it if you let yourself be creative. Some options could be:

  • Sitting in your car for a few minutes before you go inside your home

  • Sitting in your car for a few minutes before you leave work

  • Pulling into a park that’s on your route home

  • When the kids are napping take a few minutes for yourself before jumping into productivity

You can allow yourself 5 minutes (or longer) to do any of these things. The little bits of time DO ADD UP so don't not do it simply because you can't devote a whole 30 minutes or more to it.

I watch my comfort show or read my comfort book. When I was in my last semester of college Star Trek: The Next Generation carried me through. When I was going through some tough stuff last summer I dove into reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy and then followed that up with the Harry Potter series. There's just something about taking myself to another world for a little bit that's really cathartic. What is your "comfort" thing? Maybe it's wearing a certain sweater, cuddling up under a favorite blanket, or setting up your zen space with a candle and a cup of tea. It could even be visiting a particular park or coffee shop. Whatever that comfort thing is for you let yourself sink into it and let goooo!

I do a self-evaluation to see what I might need physically- This could be easier to do once you’ve implemented one of the top two things or, perhaps, it’ll be glaringly obvious to you. In my case, if I’m really hungry, then anxiety is much more challenging to deal with. In order to help myself feel more sane again (HANGXIETY is the worst!) I have to eat actual quality food because poppin a candy bar or chips in real quick doesn’t fuel my body like it needs in that moment. Here are some questions to ask yourself to see what your body needs:

  • When is the last time I had quality food?

  • How much water have I drank today?

  • How much good sleep did I get last night?

  • Have I gotten any movement in today? (You'd be surprised how much simply walking can help calm you down)

Once you've figured out what you need go take care of it!

BONUS: Spend time outside. Getting outdoors is a really helpful way for me to woosaahhh. If the opportunity presents itself I will even walk barefoot or touch a tree to get grounded. It may sound a little woo woo or nature weirdo, but it really does help me settle down. Give it a try next time you find yourself needing a second to chill and see how it goes for you! It's okay to feel a little weird ;)

Our exercise habits, nutrition, and self-care have a big impact on our ability to overcome stress and recover. My goal is to help people reduce anxiety and stress because I personally know how much it sucks, so I coach women on how to do that through movement, food, and self-care practices. If you're ready to take your wellness back and kick anxiety's 🍑 then email me at and let's talk about how to make it happen!

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