Here we are a few weeks into the new year. How are those resolutions holding up? If you're struggling to stay with it, this is for you. If you're still going strong, this is still for you!
When it comes to sticking with what you say you're going to do there are a few things you need to keep in mind to ensure you follow through- especially as the newness wears off and your regular schedule kicks into gear. Including the regular irregularities that pop forgetting to wash a certain shirt or that unexpected project thrown on your plate at work or your car suddenly getting a flat tire.
Here are 4 essential steps to stay on track with your goals-even when life gets messy! Each one of these is truly essential to your success so DO NOT skip any of these.
1 Know your why
I don't mean just "I want to lose weight because I hate what I see in the mirror". You need to go deeper than that. If you want to lose weight dig deep on why you want to lose the weight. Is it because you have zero confidence? Is it so you can reduce or get rid of joint pain? Is it so you can move around more easily and keep up with your grandkids? Is it so you can reverse diabetes? Is it so you can hold on to your autonomy as long as possible?
Then go deeper.
Let me break it down for you a little more. For example...
Why do you want to lose weight?
So I can reverse diabetes.
Why do you want to reverse diabetes?
So I can be around to play with my grandkids
So I can create tons of happy memories and experience milestones.
So, you can have a close connection with your grandkids and watch them grow up.
Because it's what fulfills you.
Whatever your goal is ask yourself 5 times why you want it with the intention of digging deeper with each why. Knowing your deeper why will make it easier for you to stick to your action steps when you have those times that you don't want to do the things or life keeps throwing curveballs at you. It's never just simply "I hate how I look" or "my joints hurt". Those are just the surface things.
2 Celebrate the little things

Acknowledge each of your wins. It doesn't matter how small it is. If you got up 5 minutes earlier than normal this morning- AWESOME! If you made it to the gym today- GREAT! If you added some raspberries to your lunch- KEEP IT UP!
These little things add up and if you treat them like they don't matter then you'll act like they don't matter, and your progress will stop. Of course, getting up 5 minutes earlier ONE morning isn't going to change your life, BUT it could be the first step leading you towards getting up 30 minutes earlier every morning which in turn gives you time to do a morning routine that sets you up strong for the day.
Celebrate the little things because they add up to the big lifechanging things!
3 Set up your space to support you
There are several different ways to do this. For example...
If you're trying to sleep better then make sure your sleep space is conducive to that: low lighting, comfortable bed, clean room, etc.
If you're trying to improve your diet, then buy healthy options like apples and bananas and keep them on the counter where they're easy to access. On the flip side keep the cookies in a top cupboard that requires more effort to get to and eat.
If you're trying to drink less alcohol, then don't surround yourself with people that drink alcohol all the time.
If you're trying to eat less fast food, then make sure that you pack your lunch the night before, so you don't have to add it to your morning to do list.
Picking up what I'm putting down?
The things, people, and environment around you will have an impact on how well you follow through with your daily actions towards your goals.
If you feel like you're having to dig deep into your willpower or self-discipline every day, then you really need to take a look at what's around you and whether it's hurting or helping your progress.
4 Have a flexible plan
When you set your resolutions you likely also came up with a specific action plan- which is great! However, by this point in your journey you'll be able to pick out what's working and what's not working.
If there is something that's really hard to follow through with, rather than trying to beat yourself into submission, take a step back and consider what's so challenging about it and if there's a shift you can make to still move yourself forward that's not so overwhelming or hard to do.
For example, maybe you've started going to the gym and you decided to go at 6:00 am 3 days a week, but it's getting harder and harder to get yourself up to go. You've even skipped a couple of times and felt really bad about it then ended up going even earlier the next morning to "make up" for it. (Don't do things to make up for things- it's just silly. Simply continue onward.)
When you run into this type of problem consider these things:
-Do you have to work out in the morning, or could you go in the evening?
-Can you modify the length of your workout so you can go in at 6:30 instead?
-Can you work out at home instead?
-Are you having such a hard time waking up because you're going to bed too late?
-Do you find it hard to go by yourself and need a workout buddy or to hire a personal trainer?
-Do you low key hate lifting in the gym and would rather be out running or doing a class?
Notice none of these have anything to do with stopping or giving up.
It's all looking at how you can make changes and be FLEXIBLE. It's okay to make changes when you notice something isn't in alignment with you. Don't beat yourself into the ground trying to force something to work that isn't for you- whether it's because of your interests or circumstances. Sometimes right now just isn't the time for a 90 minute workout in the gym. But you can manage a 20 minute workout at home. That's totally fine and 100% worth it!
When you're really struggling to keep working towards your goals quitting is NEVER an option. It's an opportunity to step back and see what needs to be modified. A lot of the time a few simple tweaks can make a big difference!
These 4 steps can make a huge difference on whether or not you are successful in following through with your goals. DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOURSELF. If you keep these 4 things in mind you will make progress.
If you feel like you need some accountability or a strategy session, send an email to me at and let's talk about how to set up a game plan to keep you on track in a way that makes sense for your life as it is right now. You don't have to do this alone, and you need to see this through!