Today I'm going to dive right in: whether we like it or not movement is a non-negotiable for our wellness. Interestingly, we tend to table it as if it were an option and then get frustrated when we have aches and pains, can't do certain things, and mentally we're a dumpster fire.
Everything is fine! I promise!
Feel called out? I totally get it. Even after KNOWING how much of a difference movement makes in how much better I handle anxiety and stress I find myself occasionally letting it drift off to the wayside. Then get frustrated when things start to get rocky. Silly me.
If you're feeling called out, but you're not sure how you can possibly fit movement into your already jam packed day then stick around until the end! But first...
For my people that like the straight up facts here's a brief list of what movement does for you physically:
It increases strength and mobility (ie lift up your kid effortlessly, carry in ALL the grocery bags)
It can reduce or eliminate the need for some medications (ie better blood pressure & cholesterol numbers)
It will improve your endurance (ie you conquer the flight of stairs- it no longer conquers you)
It can help you lose or maintain a healthy weight (more movement= increased metabolism)
Annnd what movement does for you mentally:
It can improve self-esteem and self-belief (ie that sense of accomplishment you get after doing something challenging-and knowing you could do it again)
It can help reduce stress and anxiousness (ie moving gets you out of your head because you gotta pay attention to your outer world)
It can improve your ability to think clearly and make decisions (ie increased heart rate, blood flow, and circulation of nutrients will charge up that brain box)
It can boost your mood (ie endorphins and serotonin make you feel good)
When all of these things are improving- you feel strong, capable, confident, and alert- you're going to feel less anxious and stressed. Plus when stressful things happen, as they inevitably will, you'll handle them WAY better.
At this point you may be thinking OK I get it! But I just don't have time! I don't know how I'm going to fit movement into my day!
There are two key things here that are what tend to trip people up:
They think it HAS to be a certain length of time to even be worth it.
They think it HAS to be within the bounds of a typically defined workout like being at the gym or in a class.
When you loosen those boundaries around movement you'll find you have a lot more freedom to make it happen.
This leads us to the 5 simple ways you can add in more movement to your day:
Micro movement- you don't have to devote 30, 45, or 60 plus minutes to movement for it to count. Even 5 minutes of moving will make a difference. Take a 5 minute walk, 5 minutes of yoga, 5 minutes of body weight exercises. How much time do you spend sitting and waiting on your kid's soccer practice to get done? Don't talk yourself out of moving simply because you feel like a few minutes isn't worth it- IT IS!
Take the long way- this is talked about a lot already, but I'm going to put it out there anyway- park further away from your destination, take the stairs instead of the elevator, ride your bike or walk to work- little bits will add up.
Move at home- Letting yourself do a home workout, rather than talking yourself out of it because you prefer the gym, is a great way to get movement in when you're short on time. It's worth it even if it's just walking laps to get to your step goal while you scroll social media or listen to a podcast (which I've done several times). There are also TONS of workout videos on Youtube of varying lengths. Do the 15 minute workout. It counts. Don't not workout simply because you can't make it to the gym.

Make it a part of your routine- Look at your schedule and see which days you have more wiggle room. Maybe you could squeeze 10 minutes of yoga into your morning routine. Maybe you can take a 10 minute walk after dinner on a couple nights of the week. It's easier to make it happen when it becomes a normal part of certain days rather than just trying to throw it into your week "at some point 🤷♀️" when you can squeeze it in.
Pair it with another thing you already do- Take your dog on a walk instead of just letting him out in the backyard. Play with your kids at the park instead of watching them from the bench. Run through a body weight workout while you watch your favorite show. Hold a wall sit while something cooks in the microwave. Do jumping jacks while your coffee brews.
These 👏 little 👏 things 👏 add 👏 up!
You may find after implementing some of these methods that you're able to push yourself to go a little longer or time starts opening up for you to work in more movement. If this is the case-great! If not, that's okay! The main thing is that you get some movement in. Your body and mind will thank you!
Still not convinced movement can make that much of a difference? Don't knock it til you try it. Prioritize it for the next two weeks and see what happens. If you need some ideas on movement and more guidance on how to fit it into your life then send "busy life" to me at and I will send you a FREE guide on how to stay in shape when you're busy.