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Transforming the Stress of Comparison into Motivation

Writer's picture: Janna RossJanna Ross

There's this thing we all do that we really need to nip in the bud. Think about the last time you were scrolling on social media and you came across that influencer with the flat abs or the lady that seems to post all of her content from various different beaches. Or that other lady that just always looks so well put together and you can't figure out how she does it when she talks about what her day to day life looks like sometimes.

Maybe it's not even on social media. Maybe it's whenever you see your next door neighbor get home in their new car or when your sister has yet another amazing accomplishment.

Whether we mean to or not, this thing we're doing that we need to not be doing typically leads to us getting down on ourselves, questioning our abilities, and even thinking we just plain suck.


That feeling of I could never achieve that...

We all know we really shouldn't compare ourselves to others, but let's be honest, sometimes it's really hard not to-especially when they seem to be living the life we want.

In my opinion, there are 2 things you can do with comparison:

  1. Chuck it- it ain't worth the mental energy OR

  2. Overcome comparison by transforming that stress into motivation!

First, let me point out some things you may not have considered that are going to impact each individuals health and wellness journey. These will be helpful to keep in mind when you find yourself playing the comparison game. You don't know:

  • Where their wellness journey started

  • Their current health status

  • What their mental health is like

  • What their actual goals are

  • Whether or not they have kids

  • What their day to day schedule looks like

  • What resources they have access to

  • Whether or not they have a good support system

  • How much education and experience they have in health and wellness

Makes ya think, doesn't it? You don't know their story.

That super thin girl at the gym has the body you want, but you don't know that she's been battling anorexia for years and she's finally at a healthy weight again.

That influencer online with 1 million followers that's super jacked and seemingly has it all is stressed, depressed, and barely making ends meet.

That mom that goes to the gym every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday has to be done in 30 minutes or less because she's limited on childcare, but she always makes sure to do it despite battling "mom guilt" sometimes.

You have a wellness story, too. And yours could inspire someone else some day if you give yourself the chance to write it.

So here's some things you can do to overcome the stress of comparison and be motivated:

Stop following people on social media that make you feel less than- It's silly to keep doing something that makes you feel bad especially when you have the power to stop it- right now. I've stopped following people before because I was comparing myself way too much and it was getting to be a problem.

See what you can learn about those who inspire you- At the same time there's going to be people on social media that you admire and feel inspired by. Those are the ones you want to pay attention to. You may find something out that could help you along your own journey.

self-compassion overcome comparison

Pay attention to your self-talk- When you notice yourself starting to spiral in comparison stop it instantly. Cut that negativity off, chickadee! I visualize a wall popping up and slamming unhelpful thoughts to a halt. Another thing you can do is notice and name and reframe. For example, when you notice that you're starting to think "I'll never be as successful" you can name it "unhelpful thought" then reframe the thought to something like "I am making progress".

Show yourself some compassion- Your wellness plan needs to fit YOU! The specifics of what other people are doing don't matter because that fits THEIR life. Don't feel like you're failing because you're not doing what they are.

Set goals that fit YOU- Then design a plan that will get you there in a way that fits your life. Your friend could have a similar goal, but a very different plan. You both can still be successful.

Transforming the stress of comparison to motivation won't happen all at once, but if you're diligent it WILL happen.

And, seriously, unfollowing people that make you feel like you're failing at life or like you could never possibly be as successful is one of the most cathartic things I've done.

Improving your health, reducing stress and anxiety, and feeling more in control of your life is possible.

There are TONS of people out there proving that it is.

Use them as beacons of light to inspire your own path.

And one day you'll be someone else's beacon of light, too.

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