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Unlock Your Deep Health and Improve Your Wellness Like You Haven't Ever Before

Writer's picture: Janna RossJanna Ross

Have you ever felt stuck? If you’re human I’m gonna bet you have. You keep trying to make something happen and over and over again you find yourself failing- weight loss, relationships, finances, work, health in general, etc.

You may be overlooking what’s tripping you up because you aren’t looking at yourself as a whole human.

I’m going to stick with the health and wellness side of things because that is my area of expertise. Let me give you an example. Perhaps your goal is to lose some body fat and you’ve been trying to for years with limited success. You follow a diet to a T, lose 20 lbs, discontinue the diet, then it all comes back- and then some. Next time you track your macros and hit the gym 5 days a week, you're feeling great and losing the fat, but then life happens and you fall off. Totally off. 

At first glance, you may think you just have no willpower or that your self-discipline sucks. However, I’m going to bet that if you take some time to dig deeper you’re going to learn that it’s something else entirely. Consider this:

When you were tracking your macros and going to the gym did you have support from your partner or a friend?

It's hard to follow through when you don't feel supported, especially if you feel actively worked against (you'll see an example of this below).

Did you have easy access to healthy food?

If you live far away from a grocery store, have no car, or have limited funds then eating healthier can be a challenge.

Did you feel safe at the gym you were training at?

Maybe some guy keeps staring at you and creeping you out or people keep stealing the equipment you're using or when you walk out to your car you feel you could get jumped at any second. That will make it hard to keep up a gym habit.

Did your workout routine fit into the rest of your life without causing a bunch of hullabaloo?

Perhaps you work weird hours, have kids, or have several things you're committed to so adding the gym to your schedule 5 days a week stretched you really thin.

Did tracking macros stress you out?

Maybe every time you tracked your food you'd feel overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious even after having built up the skill of doing it. It wasn't hard to do logically, but mentally it just was weird.

Here’s the point I’m getting at: you have to consider all areas of health when you’re trying to live a healthier life. 

There are 6 areas of deep health- physical, mental, emotional, social, environmental, existential/spiritual- and they all impact each other.

Unlock your deep health and improve your wellness like you never have before!

Let's look at a couple of examples of how different areas impact each other:

Sammie is trying to get off of blood pressure medication by eating healthier food. Sometimes she does pretty well, but a lot of the time she really struggles to eat healthier because there’s always her favorite snacks in the house- Cheetos and Oreos- and her husband doesn’t think it’s a big deal to eat those things every day- among other things like pop, candy bars, and frozen dinners. He has no interest in changing how he eats and will even purposefully offer Sammie Oreos and talk about how good they are despite knowing she's trying to eat them less often. He thinks he's being funny.

Here we see an example where Sammie’s social health (husband’s lack of support and his tendency to even actively work against her) and environmental health (being surrounded by foods she’s trying to eat less frequently) is making it harder for her to follow through on eating healthier.

Beth wants to put on some muscle and does pretty great with the nutrition side of things. She had been working out at home, but started going to the gym a few weeks ago. She doesn’t know anyone there and she feels anxious most of the time. She finds herself skipping the gym sometimes and she always gets really down on herself when she does, but she just can’t handle the anxiety of going some days.

This is an example of mental health affecting physical health. 

Take a second to think back on something you were trying really hard to accomplish to improve your health and wellness, but you just kept failing. Maybe you’re struggling right now. 

I’ll dive deeper in future blog posts into each of these areas, but to give you something to think on here’s a little more detail:

Physical health- how your body feels and functions

Mental health- how well you learn and remember, your perception, problem solving skills, and your conscious awareness

Emotional health- your mood; recognizing, understanding, and regulating your emotions

Existential/Spiritual health- your “why”, having intrinsic worth, feeling purposeful

Social health- having strong connections with others, feeling like you belong, feeling seen, valued, and respected

Environmental health- feeling safe, having access to resources, feeling supported by what’s around you, having autonomy

There’s quite a lot to our deep health isn’t there?

For now use the questions below to consider how all areas of your deep health are affecting the health and wellness goal you have right now:

  • What is going well with my physical health and what could use some improvement?

  • What am I doing to support my mental health?

  • How are my moods and thoughts affecting my ability to achieve my health and wellness goals? (If you're struggling here check out this blog post to make a powerful shift in how you feel and think!)

  • What is my “why”?

  • Who do I have on my team to support me and in what ways do I need support?

  • What resources do I have access to, and what others might I need access to, in order to achieve my health and wellness goals?

Keep an eye out for blogs in the future that will dive into these areas more so that you can be even more empowered to reach your health and wellness goals!

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